Satire is not for the faint of heart, friends. There we were, innocently opening up w00tstock 5.0 in San Diego by playing our song “Write Like the Wind” when, without provocation or warning, an act of great violence was perpetrated upon yours trulies. Sure, we may have touched a sore spot by imploring George R. […]
Category Archives: Latest News
Despicable We, Too
We’re still not entirely sure how it happened, but on July 3, what had been literally a dream of ours will come true: a song we wrote will be in a Hollywood summer blockbuster movie. DESPICABLE ME 2 (!!!) to be precise. And the song is “Another Irish Drinking Song”, which we wrote back in our Da […]
Regarding the “Shadow War!” Debacle
UPDATE 4/4/13: In addition to being available on this site, the Shadow War! songs are now available on iTunes, and various other online media outlets. Remember: all proceeds in April go to charity! ———— No sense denying it at this point, so here is the unvarnished truth about the situation: yes, we were brought […]
The wait is over: Episode 1 of LearningTown is here! All the blood, sweat, tears, puppets, potato chips, funny costumes, and countless hours* of prep, filming, and music production come down to two things: WATCH IT and SHARE IT! (Same goes for the other 9 episodes when they come out, every Tuesday.) You can also visit […]
LearningTown FAQ
This FAQ is geared primarily towards people who haven’t spent much (or any) time on YouTube, but there’s lots of good info here for video-hardened vets as well. And we recommend that EVERYONE interested in helping us get a Season 2 read the section on Things You Can Do to Help Us Get a Season 2. […]
LearningTown: It’s Almost Here!
The trailer for our new web series, “LearningTown“, is now online. Please watch it 9,367 times each, then forward it to 9,267 of your friends. UPDATE: watch our new sneak peek video, “Sausage Party”. And Like and Share that bad boy! (And oh, it’s a bad, bad boy.) “LearningTown” debuts Tuesday, January 15th on YouTube’s […]
Paul and Storm Basics
The short version is we’re a music/comedy duo, and have been writing and performing music together for two decades, starting in the professional a cappella band Da Vinci’s Notebook. A lot of our music is kinda nerdy, much like we are kinda nerdy, which led us to found a variety show called w00tstock along with Wil Wheaton […]
‘Tis the Season — The Way-Too-Early Christmas Song
It’s that time of year again, gang! That time of year when we all exclaim, “Are you f***ing KIDDING me, retail stores?!?” Sadly, the decorations actually started weeks ago. But here’s a freebie from the back catalog to ease your pain. Download it, share it with friends, buy it, whatever; just do your part to […]
BOO!…FREE Halloween Music
We’re changing things up this year by giving away Lame Monster Party for COMPLETELY FREE! (click to download, right-click then “Save As…” or however you do it on your particular machine; you should know how to do this by now!) But if you’re the kind of person who loves a bargain (and who perhaps also […]
Celebrate “International Talk Like a Pirate Day” with Paul and Storm
It’s that time of year again: the wind is in the sails, the bounding main beckons, and nerds everywhere are annoying their classmates and office-mates by talking like pirates. But it’s not because they want to; it’s because they have to. After all, today is International Talk Like Pirate Day. As usual, we’re rolling out […]