Jam Some Java With Us

A reminder to all our DC-area Paul and StormTroopers (has that name caught on yet? Should we try a different one?), we’re returning to Jammin’ Java in Vienna, VA this Sunday, along with Jonathan Coulton, our partner in musical crime. (Don’t tell Jonathan, but we have a little man crush on him; he’s just so damn adorable!) What ’80s cover will they close with this time? Only those who show will know.

On top of everything else, it’s the day after Paul’s birthday, so there’s that to celebrate. NOTE: this is NOT a ploy for people to bring presents. But a Cookie Puss would probably not be turned down if it were to somehow magically appear on stage.

Check the schedule for all the details. Houses will be rocked.


  1. Tina
    Posted March 8, 2007 at 3:00 pm | Permalink

    Looking forward to the JJ show, even though if last time is any indication, I will have to get there, oh, about now if I actually want to get a seat!

    You guys should play the Birchmere.

  2. Posted March 8, 2007 at 4:55 pm | Permalink

    Tina, whether or not you get a seat depends primarily on the popularity of the show. I can predict to a reasonable degree of certainty, based on some experience, that this show will be packed. At Jammin’ Java, the best way to make sure that you get a seat is indeed to get there insanely early – take it from someone who has worked the door there quite frequently. When the line starts to form, get in quickly.

    If the door person is there, and he or she has the required “box of toys” needed to do his/her job, you can get the hand stamp early. That’s no problem (at least, it never was for me). He or she cannot, however, “save you a place” in line or anything of the like. Unless they have changed the procedure since I left the country, but that I somehow doubt.


  3. Tina
    Posted March 8, 2007 at 9:29 pm | Permalink

    Lena, thanks for weighing in – what time do you think I should get there? I will be meeting 3 other people as well, one of whom is on the same ticket confirmation thingie as me (my husband was going to go, but he is being dragged to Columbus, OH on a business trip, so a friend is meeting me there instead) — will I be able to get my own hand-stamp early even if the other person whose ticket I bought at the same time is not there yet?

    Anyway, I figured I’d arrive really early and camp out with a book or some knitting until the line starts to form. I just need to figure out *how* early — the goal is to get there early enough to get a good spot in line, but late enough that I don’t spend my entire day waiting.

  4. Posted March 9, 2007 at 10:10 am | Permalink

    Tina – Since it seems that the show is at 7 PM, I would get there probably around 5:30 – sometimes they open the doors an hour before the show, sometimes half an hour – whenever the performers are finished with soundchecks. That, sadly, is almost impossible to predict. Some people get done early, others take much longer.

    If you’re going to get there first, make sure you have a copy of the confirmation sheet. Some door people ask for it, some probably don’t (I always did). You can get your hand stamp early, whether or not the rest of your party is there. You can go in and save them seats – that’s how most people work it. The other person whose ticket you bought just needs a copy of the confirmation sheet with him/her on arrival. No problem at all.

  5. Posted March 9, 2007 at 10:21 am | Permalink

    Now I tried using “Paul and Storm Trooper” but returned to the more traditional Stalker. That’s their own fault, they called me that back in the DVN days. I was talking to the band, Red Molly, the other day and said that The Roches were one of the first bands I stalked. I didn’t even think about the using the word. Laurie said, “At least you are honest about what you do.”

  6. Posted March 9, 2007 at 10:23 am | Permalink

    And thou shalt call him Go-Don…

  7. Posted March 11, 2007 at 10:04 am | Permalink

    Happy Birthday, Paul!

  8. Tina
    Posted March 11, 2007 at 8:26 pm | Permalink

    Just got home from the Jammin’ Java show and I just had to be the first to post. (It helps that I live 10 minutes away from JJ!)

    Oh. My. God. I didn’t think it could get any more awesome than the December show, but I am proved wrong. That was just amazing.

    The highlights, in my opinion:

    – The pirate song (Arrr!). I really hope that’ll be on the next CD, even though I’m sure it’ll lose something without the audience participation. (Dejected arrrr.)

    – The Ballad of Eddie Praeger, which I’d like to think they played solely because I begged them to…one of my favorites, although I confess that the first time I heard it (a live show a couple years ago — yes, I’ve been a Paul and Storm Trooper from the beginning), my husband did have to explain to me what a urinal cake was.

    – All four members of Da Vinci’s Notebook onstage together, with Bernie and Richard accompanying to Praeger, then after a small onstage group therapy session, singing “Enormous Penis”. Oh, how I’ve missed DVN!

    – No matter how many times I hear them on the Opening Band CD, I love the fake commercial jingles, and they did some of my favorites tonight!

    And not to leave out Jonathan Coulton:

    – Very upbeat and peppy rendition of “Creepy Doll” — I liked it better than the recorded version.

    – Nice encore of Billy Joel’s “Vienna” — one of my favorite Joel songs, even if it’s not one of his most well-known.

  9. Posted March 11, 2007 at 9:37 pm | Permalink

    My wife and I bought tickets to the show. We’re big JoCo fans.

    My wife got sick. My wife couldn’t go.

    “It’s alright,” she said. “Bring our daughter. She loves Coulton.”

    “Sure,” I said. “She’s twelve, but it’s an all-ages venue. It won’t be a problem.”

    It was a very interesting ride going home, let me tell you.

    I can’t wait to see you guys again.

  10. Posted March 11, 2007 at 11:18 pm | Permalink

    I hear that all of DVN not only showed up last night but sang, too. I can’t believe you people do this when I’m not there! πŸ™‚

    I called Jon at 1:15 AM here, thinking it was 6:15 there…and then realized that it was 7:15, you guys were on daylight savings time and I had totally forgotten.

    But you’re still in serious trouble. So there.

  11. Alison Sky
    Posted March 12, 2007 at 8:17 am | Permalink

    I have to say, I’ve only seen P&S in concert twice (both at Jammin Java) and I’m never disappointed. Hell, I go to see you guys over Jon (but shhhh, don’t tell him that)

    And I still say that those panties were the best $2 I ever spent money on. πŸ™‚

  12. Posted March 12, 2007 at 9:22 am | Permalink

    Someone *else* threw underwear at them?

    We did it first.

  13. Tina
    Posted March 12, 2007 at 10:17 am | Permalink

    It was a thong. Blue with white stars. Very disturbing. πŸ™‚

    To echo what Alison said, I was definitely there for Paul & Storm…I didn’t even know who Coulton was until I saw him at last December’s Jammin’ Java show! I like him and all, but in my opinion the first half of the show was much more rockin’…Coulton is somewhat more subdued, or else maybe people were getting tired by the time he came on.

  14. Posted March 12, 2007 at 12:04 pm | Permalink

    Coulton should never be underestimated. Coulton is great.

    Now, for the thong thing – I can’t remember what we did; if it was a thong or just something more subdued…Wendy? You bought it – wdo you remember? Though technically it was my idea to do it, I refused to be the one to throw it, because I figured that coming from me that would look suspect and I wasn’t about to take that risk. I suggested Jon do it. He was too much of a coward. So Wendy did it for us. πŸ™‚ As expected, the reaction stopped the show. As soon as the song started again, someone *else* did the same thing – which was totally unexpected and absolutely hilarious.

  15. Alison Sky
    Posted March 12, 2007 at 3:25 pm | Permalink

    No, it was a yellow polka dot bikini thong panties *grin*. (because the elastic makes from a great slingshot, though my aim was off. oops?)

    I knew I wasn’t the first. When I went last time, someone threw Sponge Bob boxers. I said then in my head “they need real panties”.

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