The hundy-teensixy episode of our podcast, Paul and Storm Talk About Some Stuff for Five to Ten Minutes (On Average), is now online.
This week’s episode: we recap our Comic-Con/w00tstock 3.0 experience, including being (temporarily) killed, and being closer than ever to Joss Whedon; sleepaway camp, and the distasteful craft of macrame; we recommend several things—The Pixar Touch, The Star Wars Craft Book, They Might Be Giants’ “Join Us“, and webcomic Bearmageddon; a discussion of the elements that go into the Perfect Photobomb; and things we “missed out on,” which leads to the revelation that neither of us have read any Salinger.
AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION ALERT: Please respond to the poll below as to whether or not we should read The Catcher in the Rye.
Show #116: Monkey Soup and the Perfect Photobomb
I once took a beautiful picture of a friend standing at the entrance to Central Park. Just as I snapped the picture, some jerk threw a soft pretzel right into the frame. Who does that? Throwing pretzels around all willy-nilly.
Thanks for ruining my cherished memory, loser.
In the last couple of years I decided to fill in some of the gaps in my literary education. Read Huck Finn, which was amazing. Tried to read Catcher in the Rye. I got about halfway, put it down, and forgot where I put it. Hated most every moment. It’s a shame Wil Wheaton wasn’t born sooner; Holden Caulfield should have had Wil’s famous edict tattooed on his body, preferably with a nail gun. What a dick.
I read “Catcher in the Rye” when it was assigned in high school, and I hated it then. I voted No.
I’ve never read Catcher in the Rye, so I voted No. If nothing about it makes you think it’s a book worth reading, then why bother? Go out and read all the other books that you *are* interested in.
Also, was it me, or was there no update on the Minions this week?
Catcher in the Rye is HORRIBLE! A spoiled kid whines for three hundred pages. Everyone knows its bad but they enjoy watching other people suffer.
I ended up reading Catcher in the Rye on my own because our school system’s curriculum somehow ended up making us read A Separate Peace every other year instead. I’m not sure I was entirely equipped to appreciate it at 13 (I think, maybe 14), but I don’t recall having strong feelings about it either way.
Real melted ice cream = good-enough milkshake. Mmm, milkshake.
You should read about 7 pages and only keep reading if grabs you. That’s how you should approach all literature. I know this because I’m a librarian. But never mind that — when are you guys coming back to Ardmore, PA?
I found Catcher to be a horrible book. It´s probably meant to be a “ah heck, life ain’t that bad after all” kind of book for young runaways, but I honestly don’t have the slightest bit of sympathy for the whiny little brat…
CITR is no LOTR, but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth reading. I think the book starts out slow, but ends up being one helluva slow-burn, must-read kinda book. I say “yeah.”
not really. you should re-read fuzzy nation again. just got my copy yesterday!
Closer than ever to Joss. Awesome. Miss my Internet-surfing days, I do.
I’m listening to this now. Maybe this is against the principles of a ‘watch’, but: stop being starstruck and invite Joss Whedon on the cruise/to a w00tstock already. :p I recently watched the Q&A session on the second disc of the special edition of Serenity, and he seems nice enough to respond politely when two awesome people offer to pay him to be ON A BOAT (or at a w00tstock) with the guy who beat him in the Secretary of Geek Affairs vote. Just pretend he’s some kind of human.
I’m not asking this for myself; I only just watched Firefly and it hasn’t really hit me yet.
I really LOVED Catcher in the Rye, I think you’ll find the main character interesting and funny, you might even go, “hey, I knew a guy like that,” and the memories will come flooding back like ethane clouds on Titan (obscure enough for ya?). Take care, Paul and Storm, and keep being teh AWESOME!
I had to read Catcher in the Rye when I WAS a sullen teen. I thought it was awful and I was someone who LIKED reading. Take a pass and read Mistborn, Game of Thrones or something.
Outside the United States, Catcher in the Rye isn’t really considered a classic. I’d say read something else.
Paul and Storm,
Have you seen Theo Jansen’s “Strandbeests”?
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