Ye 1-3-7’d episode of our podcast, Paul and Storm Talk About Some Stuff for Five to Ten Minutes (On Average), is now online.This week’s episode was recorded LIVE from ConnectiCon in Hartford, CT, along with our guests (and good friends) Josh Cagan, Joseph Scrimshaw, and Mike Phirman, and features: mispronouncing places and cities; being at a comic-con without a costume, and being in awe of those who are; the persistence of anime and other nerd realms; the many faces of conventions; indoctrinating the next generation; Mike is not a fan of MAN OF STEEL (Spoilers Alerts!); the next big monster; Stormtroopers vs. Oompa Loopmas; hard-shell tacos vs. gummy bears; and Indiana Jones vs. Harry Potter.
This was just like being back on nerd boat. Such a collection of awesome on one stage makes me wish i was in the states so i can get to see you more often.
At least i gave now listened to a podcast as it is released instead of playing catchup. I feel i am now able to join the Brigade of Minions!
I’m 23 minutes in, and so far:
Biggest squee: The moment I realised that not only is there finally a new episode of this podcast, but also Mike Phirman’s in it! 😀
Biggest laugh: At the comment about CSI, because I also learnt that word from that episode.
I’m saving the rest for after work when I might need cheering up again (and I can walk around giggling to myself without as many people noticing.)
I am shocked to be only the second commenter (Hi, BlackPig!), but I suppose a lot of the regular listeners were there in the flesh. *sniff* I heard a rumour you weren’t planning a UK tour this year.
Darnit, now I sound all disappointed. Thanks for the podcast!
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