This Weekend: Free Shows!

We thought it would behoove us to mention that our shows this weekend (Fri/Sat, August 15-16) at the Diamond Jo Casino are ABSOLUTELY FREE. We’ll be appearing with the hilarious Larry Reeb. So if you’re anywhere near Northwood, IA this weekend, are over the age of 21, and don’t feel like going to the State Fair, the why not come out to the best free show* you’re gonna see this year? Full details here; first come, first served.

*Money-back guarantee!


  1. Jack F
    Posted August 16, 2008 at 9:21 pm | Permalink

    Hey! Unfair! You told me your show at Musikfest was the best free show of the year! I want my money back!

  2. CALI
    Posted August 17, 2008 at 12:06 am | Permalink

    Paul… While you are performing free shows in another state and missing Felicia stalking opportunities… apparently your friends Len and Coulton are moving in on your crush and they are not going to hide it…here is proof..

  3. Posted August 18, 2008 at 7:09 am | Permalink

    Hey! If you’re going to be playing with in an easy drive from Minneapolis, you should do it on a weekend when I’m not going to Vegas to stalk see Coulton!

    ~Sharon, Mpls merch minion

  4. Posted August 25, 2008 at 9:29 am | Permalink

    Ooh, pulling a TMBG, except that they aren’t exactly kids shows. I mean they’re probably the exact opposite. So it’s nothing like that actually.

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