Trip Report: NE Mini-tour
(September 30 - October 1, 2005)
9/30/05 - Hamden, CT
Met up at Paul's house and began our trek north. Arrived at The Space in Hamden, CT (just north of New Haven) around 5:30 p.m. What a cool place...sofas and comfy chairs, all kinds of interesting pop culture crap all over the place, a decent sound system, and cool staff (who I believe are all volunteers). We would be opening for Nerissa and Katryna Nields that evening, and they arrived shortly after we did, and sound check commenced. Spent some quality time with "The Girls" (as our friend and business associate Patty calls them) before hitting the stage -- Paul and Katryna also discovered their mutual love of their Tivos and of watching terrible television shows. Audience was friendly, attentive and enthusiastic, with a nice smattering of P&S fans scattered throughout the good-sized crowd. We did a Power Half-hour set, and were able to chat with a few of y'all as we sold merch before it was time for the Nields sisters to go on. Although we'd hung out with them now and then at festivals, and did a workshop stage with them at Falcon Ridge this past year, we'd never see them in a club setting*. They were incredibly engaging and in fine voice -- Katryna announced that she'd just ko'd a previously nettlesome vocal polyp -- as they moved the audience with them through a broad range of thoughts and emotions. Particularly enjoyable were the readings and songs from Nerissa's new novel "Plastic Angel", and their re-working (more of a complete overhaul, really) of the negro spiritual "Good News". Plus, they happily honored our request for "The Enemy Called Pants".
It was all smiles after the show, and then a stabbing pain in our guts reminded us that we hadn't eaten dinner. We had been told about a great ice cream place in Hamden, and were given relatively easy directions to the place. Needless to say, we couldn't find the place, so we defaulted back to...
FOOD REVIEW: Acropolis Diner - Hamden, CT
CATEGORY: Diner (post-gig)
Rating: 0
The Greek word "Acropolis" translates loosely as "stuff up on a hill." In New Haven, "Acropolis" translates as "place to get stuff to eat late at night, but don't expect it to be spectacular...near a hill." Storm's spanakopita was probably at least +1 quality around 7 p.m., but by midnight it had transmogrified into a luke warm pastiche of spinach between mushy layers of paste that he assumed had once been crispy, flaky filo dough. Not that it wasn't tasty (it was). We've clean forgotten what Paul ate (that's how good it was), though his fries were first-rate. Along with the chocolate shake, the friendly-like-family service made the difference in keeping the rating at a respectable"0" rating.
10/1/05 - Hamilton College; long march home
After hitting the snooze alarm 38 times, we sprang out of bed at the crack of noon to continue our noble quest...
FOOD REVIEW: Soul de Cuba
Rating: +1
Acting on a tip from P&S blogger Linda Macy, we decided to check out this little joint just blocks from Yale. And once again, our fanbase came through for our hungry tummies.
A case could be made that Cubans are a good fit in the U.S. for one simple reason: just like United Statesmen, they'll deep fry anything they can get their hands on. Good thing, too. We most especially thank them for the yuca frita, which is kind of like French fries, except that they're not at all like French fries. Paul's empanadas, however, were the belle of the ball. Most bellicose were the chicken variety, which smacked the mouth with Cuban-curry goodness. SMACK-SMACK!! Storm's "Media Noche" sammich was well past adequate, with tender sliced pork sitting on a dreamy cushion of grilled onions. And no matter what we may order at Cuban restaurants, we will always ask for mojito sauce, a simple but brilliant combination of oil, garlic, and Cuban love. Oh, wait...the last ingredient is actually "salt." My bad. Atmosphere was slightly upscale, though the prices were not. Service friendly. Small points off for charging for each glass of soda (a particular pet peeve of ours, especially, Paul, who can down 4-5 sodas before appetizers), and that may have been the slim hair that kept it from earning a +2 instead of a lusty +1.
Arrived at Hamilton College after an uneventful drive. Campus Activity Board (CAB)
students were friendly and helpful, and they sure pulled together a crowd for us. (Eyeball estimate** of 150-200) And as far as we're concerned, the kids are alright. We were amazed by how enthusiastic they were about Randy Newman and Schoolhouse Rock, though less surprised by their vigor when it came to talking like a pirate. There were some seniors there that were freshmen when DVN came by three years ago, and even if it made us feel like the old farts that we are, it was kinda cool. Grabbed a quick snack at the on-campus diner (rating 0 -- they were out of pizza, which seriously bummed out Paul) and headed home.
Paul and Storm.
* not entirely true. Back in 1996 or so, we*** caught a little of the full-band The Nields when they opened for Moxy Fruvous at the (now-defunct) Bayou in Georgetown.
** this, of course, means a rough estimate; not an estimate of the number of eyeballs present.
*** Paul reluctantly admits to having blown off this set after about two minutes, thinking, "Hmm...cute singer; not Fruvous; go get more drinks." Paul had less taste then.
(September 30 - October 1, 2005)
9/30/05 - Hamden, CT
Met up at Paul's house and began our trek north. Arrived at The Space in Hamden, CT (just north of New Haven) around 5:30 p.m. What a cool place...sofas and comfy chairs, all kinds of interesting pop culture crap all over the place, a decent sound system, and cool staff (who I believe are all volunteers). We would be opening for Nerissa and Katryna Nields that evening, and they arrived shortly after we did, and sound check commenced. Spent some quality time with "The Girls" (as our friend and business associate Patty calls them) before hitting the stage -- Paul and Katryna also discovered their mutual love of their Tivos and of watching terrible television shows. Audience was friendly, attentive and enthusiastic, with a nice smattering of P&S fans scattered throughout the good-sized crowd. We did a Power Half-hour set, and were able to chat with a few of y'all as we sold merch before it was time for the Nields sisters to go on. Although we'd hung out with them now and then at festivals, and did a workshop stage with them at Falcon Ridge this past year, we'd never see them in a club setting*. They were incredibly engaging and in fine voice -- Katryna announced that she'd just ko'd a previously nettlesome vocal polyp -- as they moved the audience with them through a broad range of thoughts and emotions. Particularly enjoyable were the readings and songs from Nerissa's new novel "Plastic Angel", and their re-working (more of a complete overhaul, really) of the negro spiritual "Good News". Plus, they happily honored our request for "The Enemy Called Pants".
It was all smiles after the show, and then a stabbing pain in our guts reminded us that we hadn't eaten dinner. We had been told about a great ice cream place in Hamden, and were given relatively easy directions to the place. Needless to say, we couldn't find the place, so we defaulted back to...
FOOD REVIEW: Acropolis Diner - Hamden, CT
CATEGORY: Diner (post-gig)
Rating: 0
The Greek word "Acropolis" translates loosely as "stuff up on a hill." In New Haven, "Acropolis" translates as "place to get stuff to eat late at night, but don't expect it to be spectacular...near a hill." Storm's spanakopita was probably at least +1 quality around 7 p.m., but by midnight it had transmogrified into a luke warm pastiche of spinach between mushy layers of paste that he assumed had once been crispy, flaky filo dough. Not that it wasn't tasty (it was). We've clean forgotten what Paul ate (that's how good it was), though his fries were first-rate. Along with the chocolate shake, the friendly-like-family service made the difference in keeping the rating at a respectable"0" rating.
10/1/05 - Hamilton College; long march home
After hitting the snooze alarm 38 times, we sprang out of bed at the crack of noon to continue our noble quest...
FOOD REVIEW: Soul de Cuba
Rating: +1
Acting on a tip from P&S blogger Linda Macy, we decided to check out this little joint just blocks from Yale. And once again, our fanbase came through for our hungry tummies.
A case could be made that Cubans are a good fit in the U.S. for one simple reason: just like United Statesmen, they'll deep fry anything they can get their hands on. Good thing, too. We most especially thank them for the yuca frita, which is kind of like French fries, except that they're not at all like French fries. Paul's empanadas, however, were the belle of the ball. Most bellicose were the chicken variety, which smacked the mouth with Cuban-curry goodness. SMACK-SMACK!! Storm's "Media Noche" sammich was well past adequate, with tender sliced pork sitting on a dreamy cushion of grilled onions. And no matter what we may order at Cuban restaurants, we will always ask for mojito sauce, a simple but brilliant combination of oil, garlic, and Cuban love. Oh, wait...the last ingredient is actually "salt." My bad. Atmosphere was slightly upscale, though the prices were not. Service friendly. Small points off for charging for each glass of soda (a particular pet peeve of ours, especially, Paul, who can down 4-5 sodas before appetizers), and that may have been the slim hair that kept it from earning a +2 instead of a lusty +1.
Arrived at Hamilton College after an uneventful drive. Campus Activity Board (CAB)

Paul and Storm.
* not entirely true. Back in 1996 or so, we*** caught a little of the full-band The Nields when they opened for Moxy Fruvous at the (now-defunct) Bayou in Georgetown.
** this, of course, means a rough estimate; not an estimate of the number of eyeballs present.
*** Paul reluctantly admits to having blown off this set after about two minutes, thinking, "Hmm...cute singer; not Fruvous; go get more drinks." Paul had less taste then.
Yucca is totally not like French fries. I'm assuming you've probably tried "ropa vieja" since it's fairly common; we (Mom & I) make that at well as other non-Cuban things such as tamales, Costa Rican tortilla soup and others. It's awesome cause it's homemade...:)
And if you're willing to part with soda at some point, try tamarind juice, or any other juice/nectar made from any of the Caribbean tropical fruits.
By Grapthar's Hammer, By the sons of Worvan, I shall avenge you!
That is all....
Jon, what on *earth* is this? I think we may need to confiscate your stash....:)
On that note, Lena and I are wondering, do you guys add the links to the various randomness, or is that some weird freak accident on Blogger?
Paul and I do indeed put in the random links ourselves, though each of them is there for a reason. That reason may be know only to us, but be assured that there *is* a reason.
Never give up. Never surrender.
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