…And Still, The UK Tour Approaches…

Another Storm Photoshop Special…

(click on the picture for a larger version)

Bernie Live Gig This Friday

Our old Da Vinci’s Notebook bandmate Bernie Muller-Thym has a live performance this Friday night. He’s been playing for a little while with a band called "The Zen Consultants". Here’s the details:

August 29
Bangkok Blues
926 W. Broad St., Falls Church, VA
7 pm – 9 pm

We wish we could be there, but we’re out of town. But if you’re in Northern VA this Friday, there’s very few better ways to spend an evening than with great Thai food, good company, good music, and Bernie back performing live music. Go. Eat. Enjoy.

This Weekend at Dragon*Con

So here’s the full poop (eeew) on our upcoming weekend at Dragon*Con in Atlanta…

Our main performance will be at the Nuts on the Road: Gonzo Sound & Vision Film Fest, on Saturday at 10 pm in the Hyatt Regency VI & VII. We will be performing for roughly 60 minutes at the start of the event; there will be a vast bounty of prizes to be given away during our set and through the entire fest. (Real ones, not just snack foods!)

Nextly, we will also be taking part in "Nuts on the Road: THE PANEL SHOW", a British-style panel/quiz show, on Sunday at 5:30 pm in Marriott Rooms A601-A602. Others on the panels will be Dana Snyder (Aqua Teen Hunger Force), Doc Hammer (Venture Bros.), Robert Llewellyn (Red Dwarf), and John "Widgett" Robinson (Needcoffee.com). Neat-o!

Lastly, we will also have a merchandise table in the Band Concourse area most of the weekend (but especially Saturday and Sunday). Please come by and say "hello," and buy as much as humanly possible. Because we’ve shipped a crapload of merchandise to Atlanta, and the thought of having to ship it all back home makes us whimper uncontrollably. And nobody wants that.

Also, if they sell authentic, fully-functioning lightsabers, we’re totally buying a couple. (Not the app that makes your iPhone sound like a lightsaber; we mean the real kind, the ones that can cut through steel) Here’s hoping!

Show #004: Grumpy Pants and Liver Balls

The fourth episode of our podcast, Paul and Storm Talk About Some Stuff for Five to Ten Minutes (On Average), is now online.

This once-again-pre-recorded episode is ostensibly about road stories (specifically, kitten-based road stories); but we find plenty of time for discussion of our meteoric rise, Storm’s rebellion against Paul’s controlling nature, exhaustion, mutual minutiae, playing (or not playing) our own music, and a complete technical breakdown right around the 7:27 mark.

Outro music: “Carry Me Back to Old Virginny” – Tom-Terry Trio; “Mama, Tell a Story!” – Wonderful Childhood, Vol.1

Show #004: Grumpy Pants and Liver Balls (Some content NSFW)


Enjoy the podcast? Maybe donate, why don’tcha?

UK Tour: Yep, Still Coming…

Another Storm Photoshop mashup, in anticipation of our October UK tour with Jonathan Coulton


Masters of Song Fu 2, Round 1: “Cruel, Cruel Moon”

Here we are again, throwing down with our musical colleagues in the Songwriting Octagon, winner take all (eventually). Our first task for the second Masters of Song Fu competition was to “write a song about the moon.” Here’s what we came up with:

[audio:http://www.paulandstorm.com/sounds/newstuff/CruelCruelMoon.mp3|titles=Cruel Cruel Moon]
Cruel, Cruel Moon

Having heard a sneak preview of some of the submissions (we can do this because we’re special, and because our song is submitted and can’t be changed now), we’re very impressed by the wide variety of approaches people took towards the task. Songwriting is neat!

UPDATE: Voting has now begun…you can listen to all the submissions and vote for your favorites here—one vote for the Masters, one vote for the Challengers. Go vote for your favorites! (If we happen to be one of them, more’s the better) Voting ends next Thursday (Aug. 28), so go do your civic duty.

Show #003: Hello, Future!

The third episode of our podcast, Paul and Storm Talk About Some Stuff for Five to Ten Minutes (On Average), is now online.

In this pre-recorded episode (due to Storm’s impending vacation): Storm’s head is already halfway out the door; the show format continues to evolve; the boys shamelessly grovel for cash; we fret over our next writing assignment; and we build, then tear back down, the fourth wall.

Intro music: “The By Cracky Beat” – Lowney’s Chocolates
Outro music: “A Taste of Honey” – Olaf Sveen; “You Will Go to the Moon” – Moxy Fruvous

Show #003: Hello, Future! (Some content NSFW)


Enjoy the podcast? Maybe donate, why don’tcha?

The UK Tour is Still Coming…

Still trying to create more buzz about our upcoming shows in England with Jonathan Coulton this October…

More to come…

Spiff WoW Video – “Live”

Our ongoing campaign to be Jonathan Coulton continues apace…

Spiff has made numerous music videos for Jonathan’s songs, using images from World of Warcraft. (Find all his videos here) Well, now he’s done a WoW video for our song "Live". (Which is appropriate, seeing as the song was meant to sound as if Coulton had written it)

The video is currently entered in a contest to be judged by the folks at WeGame. Spiff says he’ll post it on his YouTube channel once the contest ends.

Not only did he perfectly capture the spirit of the song, but Spiff managed to add an extra layer of pathos to the ending. Plus a big fight scene. (Fight scenes are awesome) Now we feel that much more like geek rock stars. Kudos—both the conceptual and the granola bar versions—to Spiff!

Also, there’s some references to a previous video he made for JoCo; go watch that, and then feel extra-proud for getting all the inside jokes.

Our Podcast is More Popular Than We Are

So this is just weird…in only two episodes, "Paul and Storm Talk About Some Stuff for Five to Ten Minutes (On Average)", is, as of this moment, the #6 "Comedy" audio podcast on iTunes. In the process, we’ve edged out You Look Nice Today, and are whupping the Kevin Smith/Scott Mosier SModcast‘s ass. Plus, we’re only one slot behind Ricky Gervais. Ricky-effing-Gervais, people! While this is all eminently cool (and we dance a celebratory Fishstick), it also seems like something’s amiss with the very fabric of the universe.

Nonetheless, thanks to everyone who’s been downloading and/or subscribing. We feel very much like the Oneders right now; look for us to be joining the Play-Tone roster of artists this Wednesday, and to break up late next week. But in the meantime, be sure to tell all your friends who the new popular kid in school is!

(NOTE: Our ranking may have, to some degree, been influenced by our being listed on the first page of the "What’s New" section of the iTunes Podcasts listing, since we’re so brand-new. We discount this fact, however, as it tends to kill our buzz.)