
Posted recently by Joel Hodgson (of MST3000 and Cinematic Titanic fame):

Thanks to Ken Plume for pointing us at this one.

What is YouTube?

Defined (adorably):

Glad that’s settled, then.

Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog

Genuinely awesome things don’t really happen very often anymore.  And when they do, attention must be paid.

So when the following elements are gathered in one place:

…then it’s time to act. So go see Act I of Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog right now. Act II will be released on July 17, and then Act III on July 19. But seriously, do it now, because they’re taking it offline on July 20 (in preparation of releasing it as a DVD).

Very-Last-Minute Show Announcement

Straight from the "We Were Going to Be in Town Anyway" files, we have scheduled a last-minute show in Salt Lake City for this coming Thursday, July 17. If

you’re in town, there are far worse ways to spend your Thursday evening. If you have any Mormon/teetotaling/BYU grad/industrial banker friends in the area, please point them in the direction of our show.

Thursday, July 17 at 8 pm
Port O’ Call (Salt Lake City, UT)
Ages 21+
Tix: $12, available at door
Sponsored by KBER 101

Also this weekend, catch us this Friday and Saturday in Idaho Falls, ID and Central Point, OR, respectively, as part of the Canadian Mist Bob & Tom Comedy All-Stars tour.

Off We Go Again

It’s been a nice couple weeks off, but it’s time to make the donuts again. Stalwart pal Jonathan Coulton joins us for several shows, and then we perform with some old Bob & Tom Show friends for the Common Ground Music Festival.

We understand that several of these shows are either sold out or very close to being so; if you don’t have tickets yet, your best bet is to contact the venue directly and see if they will be selling any SRO tickets (policies vary from venue to venue). In Cleveland, on the other hand, we understand there are plenty of tickets available. (C’mon, Cleveland; represent!) So you also could just go on a road trip Cleveland to see the show!

So here’s what’s a’ comin’…

Wednesday, July 9 at 8 pm
Lula Lounge (Toronto, ON)
with Jonathan Coulton – 19+ or with guardian

Thursday, July 10 at 8 pm
The Crofoot (Pontiac, MI)
with Jonathan Coulton – All ages

Friday, July 11 at 7 pm
Beachland Ballroom (Cleveland, OH)
with Jonathan Coulton – All ages

Saturday, July 12 at 8 pm
Common Ground Music Festival (Lansing, MI)
with Dan St. Paul, David Crowe and Geechy Guy – All ages

Thing a Week 53: Live (Masters of Song Fu Round 2)

Okay, maybe the above is a little presumptuous; but we’re hoping it’s close enough to a Coulton song to at least fit in the Ĺ“uvre. Perhaps we get ahead of ourselves, however; let’s backtrack…

Our newest song was written for the Masters of Song Fu songwriting contest at Quickstop Entertainment. Our task this round was to write a song in the style of Jonathan Coulton. (In turn, he had to write a song in the style of us; more about that in a second…)

Make no mistake, this one was hard. A lot like childbirth, actually: there was a lot of moaning, yelling, pushing, fainting husbands, random fluids, and an epidural involved…but in the end, what came out was, we like to think, worth it all. So without further ado:


Now, the voting begins; please vote for us, if you believe that our Fu is the stronger. But stronger than what, you ask? Coulton’s entry (a la us), “Big Dick Farts a Polka“. Wow. Battle Royale time, folks!

Voting will be open until 11:59 EST on July 9th. But whether or not we win, we’re very happy with our new offspring. Len has already done a VTAW version of “Live“; but we will truly know that we’ve hit the mark if Spiff ever makes a WoW video for it.

Happy Impending Fourth of July!

As our nation’s 232nd birthday approaches, we invite you all to revisit our favorite Independence Day celebrant, Ten-Finger Johnny. Because there ain’t nobody better than America at blowing stuff up.

Ten Finger Johnny

Have a safe and happy Fourth, everyone!


Song Fu Round Two Teaser

Our song for Round 2 of the Masters of Song Fu contest entry is done (although we’re still putting final tweaks on the recording). This is the song we had to write in the style of our opponent, Jonathan Coulton. (And he has to write one in the style of us)

No, you can’t hear it yet. (We’ll post it as soon as the contest deadline passes on Tuesday night.)

But Len Peralta has (because he’s special), and he’s already done a "Visual Thing a Week" version of it. Here it is.

Len, you’re awesome as always. The rest of you, see you Tuesday night! (Technically, Wednesday morning for anyone in EST or earlier; but the kind of people who point that out are no fun to be around*)

(*except for us, but we would never say it in person)

Farewell, Genius.

George Carlin
May 12, 1937 – June 22, 2008

NY = Filled with Win

So after 16 hours of driving in two days (plus an additional 3 hours on each end for Storm), we’re in full recovery mode now. Big big thanks for all the folks in Massena (especially Blind Andy and everyone at 101.5 The Fox) for packing the Lookout with a band of Seaway Valley crazies—visions of Herb the Dancing Machine shall haunt our dreams for years, we’re sure. (Anybody get a picture of that? We’d love to see it) And congrats to local boy Zach Bogosian for being the 3rd overall pick in the NHL draft, going to Atlanta.

And then, of course, the Highline Ballroom show was…well, what can one say except "The Kristen Shirts Ukulele Army?" Another full house, and we think we’ve found our new home in NYC for a while. Videos are popping up on the YouTubes already (find some links here), though they can’t quite capture the majesty of seven ukulelists on one stage.

Bonus: on the drive on Saturday, Paul found this, easily the greatest $6 sculpture ever, at a local drug store (see left).