Notes from the West Coast (and Phoenix)

Gosh and heck, Left Side of the Country: that was one whiz bang of a weekend. Too many neat things to list in detail, but here’s at least a few of the keener moments:

Thurs. 5/15 – Phoenix
– Whatever chemicals are in the air there, they appear to facilitate broken guitar strings.
– We discover the Carl’s Jr. Cap’n Crunch Shake. 35g of fat, 79g of sugar, 16 oz. of heaven.

Fri., 5/16 – Bakersfield
Anne Kelly on 96.5 The Fox joins the short list of the sweetest people in radio.
– The birth of our morning zoo radio duo alter-ego, Dunderhead and The Skeeter.
Starla’s panties.

Sat., 5/17 – San Diego
– Did we mention the show was hot and crowded?
Celebrity Guest Robot Voice Bill Corbett (from Mystery Science Theater 3000 and Rifftrax).
– "Awesome" is redefined by this fan creation/tribute to Nugget Man Dr. Baker (thank you, JadeSnake!), complete with handmade plush nuggets*.

Sun., 5/18 – Los Angeles
Cuban food. [Homer Simpson drool sound]
– We extort free shirts from Jesse Thorn. And wear them.
– Those of you troubled by the nudity, our apologies. Everyone else, thanks a million.

All in all, a trip that was totally gear.

*"Handmade Plush Nuggets" is the name of our emo band.

Fighting Nuns Up the Ante

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ent/uploads/Image/AmenGarde.jpeg” alt=”” />Thanks to fan Javier, ever vigilant in the search for Nun Fight-related news, for bringing our attention to this article in the Daily Mail. From the article:

The duelling pensioners at Melbourne’s Catholic Homes Corpus Christi, most of whom are former priests and nuns, have spent nine months learning to lunge like Zorro – with a little help from their Zimmer frames and instructor Joseph D’Onofrio, 73.

It would appear that the fighting nuns have escalated to more advanced weaponry. Stop the madness!

“Dejected Arrr” Shirts Are Here!

Folks who saw us live in the past two weeks already know this, but: the oft-requested, long-awaited "Dejected Arrr" shirts are finally available for everyone! Major kudos to our good buddy and artist extraordinaire Len Peralta (a.k.a. "Captain Awesome"), who did a brilliant job capturing the melancholy tone of our song "The Captain’s Wife’s Lament".

This sad, droopy pirate (so unlucky, even his parrot has a hook!) who sets just the right tone of sorrow and melancholy to inspire reassuring hugs from pirate lovers everywhere. Complete with treasure map-like P&S website listing on the back–because you are, after all, only a walking billboard for us.

The shirts are available in Adult men’s sizes S through XXL; and there’s also a special ladies’ version (with cute red-capped sleeves, and curvy where it needs to be, because we loooove The Ladies; see below) in S through XL. So how can you get one? You’ve got three options, and you can find the choice that best works for you:

1) Buy them at our live shows. Advantages: personal service; autographs upon request; seeing our grateful little faces; cheapest for you, most profit for us. Optional hugs for The Ladies. Disadvantages: waiting until we perform somewhere near you.

2) Order through our online store. You can also order either version of the shirt via Bulletproof, our order fulfillment house. Advantages: The same shirts you would get at live shows; quick, reliable service. Disadvantages: slightly more expensive to you.

3) Order through our CafePress store. The design is also available in a variety of shirt styles (as well as other items–mugs, mouse pads, posters, magnets, panties, etc.) through our CafePress store. Advantages: many more sizes, colors and items available. Disadvantages: more expensive; no printing on shirt backs (due to cost); least profit to us (if you care about such things).

ADDED BONUS: Ye who dons aforementioned garment is granted unlimited license to talk like a pirate, shiver timbers, and otherwise behave in a pirate-y fashion. There’s never been a better time to get your pirate on–order today!

Coulton Amidst the Bison

We’ve gotten a lot of great feedback from folks regarding our "Wild Adventure! Tracking the Coulton" video. (And thank you) A couple people requested copies of the "artwork" from the historical background section of the video. We’re happy to oblige.

Click on any picture below for a larger-scale version.

Coulton Amidst the BisonCoulton Brings Peace to the Exchange with the White Man

Coulton Population Distribution (Long Ago)Your Guess Is as Good as Ours

Westward Ho! (But Not the Naughty Kind of “Ho”)

We’re on our way to the American west again: covered wagons, crazy prospectors, cattle skulls in the sand, cowboys and farmers refusing to be friends, and fabled ghost towns like San Diego and Phoenix.

Come join us ("us" being the two of us and our traveling companion/back seat driver Jonathan Coulton) this weekend:

Thursday, May 15 – Brickhouse Theater
1 East Jackson St., Phoenix, AZ
8 pm
with Jonathan Coulton
Friday, May 16 – Fishlips
1517 18th St., Bakersfield, CA
8 pm
tix: call (661) 324-2557
(no Coulton on this show; just us!)
Saturday, May 17 – Lestat’s Coffee House
3343 Adams Ave., San Diego, CA
9 pm
tix: at door only – (619) 282-0437
with Jonathan Coulton
Sunday, May 18 – House of Blues Sunset Strip
8430 Sunset Blvd., West Hollywood, CA
8:30 pm
with Jonathan Coulton

Happy Mother’s Day!

It’s that time of year again: that one day every 365 that you buy a card, maybe some flowers; make an obligatory phone call, or a half-assed stab at breakfast in bed. All just to vainly attempt to thank the woman who went through 74 hours of excruciating labor to give birth to you, her ungrateful progeny.

Well, not in our house; we’re all love, kisses and ice cream in our house. We’re talking about the rest of you unappreciative louts.

But you know what you can do to show Mom how much you appreciate and love her?  Play her Paul and Storm’s “Mother’s Day Song“. We like to think it sums up the sentiments of the holiday quite touchingly and succinctly.

Sincerely, though; thanks, Mom!

Superfriends and Wild Adventure!

We just smacked the Netterwebs upside the head* with two new videos. Come waste some time with us!

Video #1 is the pilot episode of our new nature/exploration series "Wild Adventure!" In this first episode, we attempt to track one of the last remaining specimens of the great American Coulton.

The second video comes from our adventures last month at New York Comic Con, during which Paul openly defies the advice of Jim Croce

*The Internets has no actual head.

UPDATE: If you want to download the hi-res, 181MB MPEG-4 version of Wild Aventures!, Ctrl-right-click, or CMD-right-click (or whatever the hell key combination does it on your computer), and then choose "Save as…" (or whatever) on this link right here. Note: DON’T JUST CLICK ON THE LINK! You’ll just get a big page of nonsense text, and you’ll make us angry. You wouldn’t like us when we’re angry.

Masters of Song Fu

So it’s just been announced that we’re taking part in a brand new musical contest, courtesy of Quick Stop Entertainment:

Masters of Song Fu

Okay, first off: we take no responsibility whatsoever for that name; That’s all Plumey‘s doing.

Next: what the heck is it? Well, you can follow the link above for the complete details; but the short version is that it’s a sort of musical Iron Chef: musicians may sign up to participate on the Quick Stop website; once 20 competitors are selected, everyone will be given a specific songwriting challenge—such as, say, "write a song that includes a valid rhyme for ‘orange’," or some such (but not that one)—and are given one week to complete and submit their songs. Then the public votes, and the top 5 vote getters move on to the next round. Easy, right?

But on top of that, everyone also competes with a series of "Masters" to raise the stakes. The Masters for this round: us (such as we are); Internet Superstar Jonathan Coulton (and you all know who he is); and co-creator of [adult swim]‘s The Venture Bros. and all-around multimedia juggernaut Doc Hammer. (Doc is the one we’re really worried about: partly because we’re intimidated, as we’re both huge Venture Bros. fans; and mostly because Doc has genuine Musician HairTM)

Once things get rolling in earnest (the musician selection process is going on as we speak), we’ll let you know what the first challenge is. Wish us luck!

Paul and Storm…and Robert

Please welcome the newest member of Paul and Storm, Robert Hsu. (Son of our former DVN bandmate Richard)

He’s a big hit with the ladies, he already knows the lyrics to one of our songs, and he’s easy to get along with. (as long as we remember to cut the crusts off his bologna sandwiches) Check him out

Gumbo Pants for the WIN!

We’ve been fortunate enough to work with artists who are able to take the roughest of ideas from us and turn them into pure Awesome. And it seems that the art establishment knows it, too. In the words of Gumbo Pants illustrator Chris Pyle himself:

"I am pleased to announce that the artwork for Gumbo Pants has been given perhaps the biggest honor in the illustration biz, inclusion in this years American Illustration Annual. A group of esteemed judges picked the piece out of 7,500 entries from all over the world to be published along with the other approx. 360 other winners."

Congratulations, Chris! We’re proud to have been able to prod your genius, and equally pleased that an artifact of Paul and Storm is going to be included in something genuinely classy.