Now You Can Be Us (Or At Least an Us Cover Band)

Super Dave (a.k.a. "Dave") has been recently posting videos on the YouTubes of guitar lessons for various Jonathan Coulton songs.

He has now given us the same treatment, posting a quick lesson on how to play our song "A Better Version of You". This makes him that much more super in our eyes. Thanks, Dave! We now have visions of college sophomores across the world sitting on their various quads, lamely trying to seduce young women by singing our song to them. And that makes us happy.

David Lee Roth “Tribute”

Much like the ocean, the internet frequently tosses pleasant surprises up onto the beach, and it is up to us to make the best possible art out of the driftwood bounty.

If you haven’t heard it yet: some while back, Chunklet unearthed David Lee Roth’s isolated vocal track from “Runnin’ With the Devil”, and it’s…well, it’s frickin’ awesome. (Kindly check your “Sammy Hagar was better” comments at the door–Sammy is fine, but that’s not what this is about*.)

Now, for your A.D.D.-addled spans of attention, we present the Condensed Awesome DLR RWTD Tidbits as a special tribute. It’s like having the ’80s stuffed into a small box you can open anytime.

As an added bonus, we’ve saved all of the individual yowls, yelps, screams, grunts and exclamations as individual sound files (MP3 or WAV) so that you can roll your own. And there’s a special prize goes to whoever can tolerate DLR’s “WHOOOOOOOoooooo!” as their OS alert sound for the longest.

And as an extra added bonus, we’ve put together a video for it as well and we’ve posted it to the YouTubes. Because that’s what we do.

UPDATE: Previous video not embedding properly for some odd reason; re-uploaded and re-embedded, should work now.

*though Storm’s wife thinks that Sammy’s hair is the best of all time.

It’s Getting Closer…

Bridesmaids Yet Again

The results are in for the 2007 International Songwriting Competition, and hey ho, we won 2nd place in the Comedy/Novelty category for our song "A Better Version of You". While 2nd place isn’t 1st, we can take some solace in the fact that 1st place went to Sean Morey, who is a friend of ours, and an Actual Funny Person. (He won 3rd place as well, because he is a Comedy/Novelty Juggernaut) So we can’t be too bitter.

Now all that is left is to decide whether to get the free subscription to Keyboard, Guitar Player or Bass Player. Probably Bass Player.

“The Ballad of the Sneak” Now Online

It has been pointed out to us that one of our earliest efforts (predating even our duo’s existence itself as an actual entity), “The Ballad of the Sneak“, was not available online for purchase.

Well, now it is (in our “Odds ‘n’ Ends” section of our Songs page). Apologies to you completists there.

For those of you unfamiliar, “The Ballad of the Sneak” was a song we wrote back in 2003 for, a popular (and consistently hilarious) animated flash cartoon website. The song is much more interesting when you’re familiar with the site’s characters. Here is a link to the original cartoon video they made for the song. And here is a link to the song/cartoon’s wiki page, which dissects the song in painstaking detail. (Because humor is better when it’s examined with a microscope)

The Ballad of The Sneak –

Alright, New York; Shut Up Already!

So we have heard the cry from our NYC-area fans every time we send out our monthly schedule e-mail: "Hey, youse still ain’t playin’ Noo Yawk yet. Whassup widdat?" (Or something roughly like that)

Well, believe us, it wasn’t for a lack of wanting to. And finally, we’ve come through with not one but two NYC dates in the next few months.

First off, we are taking part in the Quick Stop Entertainment panel at New York Comic Con on Saturday, April 19. Our life partner Jonathan Coulton will be there, among other folks. We’ll be giving a mini-concert…we believe; things are still a bit sketchy as to exactly what’s happening, but we do know there will be performing involved. So there’s that.

And secondly—and more importantly, for those of you not planning to shell out $35-45 for a Comic Con pass—we’ve just officially booked a big, narsty show (again with pal forever Jonathan Coulton) at the Highline Ballroom on Saturday, June 21. For reals. RLY!

So stop yer naggin’ and start yer ticket-buyin‘.  Please.

Thanks, Philly and Northampton

Quick thanks for every last awesome person who was at World Cafe Live and the Iron Horse Music Hall. Great turnouts (especially for mid-week shows) and lots of thrown panties makes P&S very, very happy! Yes, the snack cakes flew. Yes, we ate at the USS Chowder Pot IV on the way up to Massamachoosits. And yep, we did our best to turn Jonathan‘s set in Philly into the equivalent of a Benny HIll chase scene.

Also, Jonathan left his face in Paul’s daughter’s pin art. (See above left)

Oh, and it turns out that the three of us make a terrible rock band.

But otherwise, a successful showing all around!

It’s Coming…(Arrr)…

One More Thing Re: Atlanta…

There’s an excellent write-up of this past weekend’s Atlanta show on the Quick Stop Entertainment website, which says many terribly nice things about us. And while we might have been willing to perform unspeakable acts to get such a glowing review, we actually didn’t have to do so, which makes it all the more sweet. Thanks, Widge!

Thank You, South Peoples

We neglected to thank everyone in both Charleston (technically, it was Isle of Palms, but whatever) and Atlanta for two great shows last weekend. Special thanks are due to Bob and Tom affiliate Q104.5 for promoting our first visit to the Charleston area in years.

And Atlanta…what can we possibly say? Not only did you set a new panty-throwing record (Eleven! Eleven* glorious panties! Ah ah ah ah ah ah!); not only did you refuse to let the pirate zombies be ignored; but you also..well, maybe it’s better if we just show you:

These Atlanta superfans made an "ARRR" sign (with punctuation!?) for "The Captain’s Wife’s Lament"; and they also made a nearly-full-size cardboard coffin in honor of Dr. Robert C. Baker and our song "Nugget Man". Now that’s dedication. (Although, if they’d been really listening to the lyrics, they would have known that it’s "small cardboard coffins." A for effort though, guys!)

*these now go to eleven