Goin’ South

So this week, we finally dip Southward again, after a winter’s worth of cold snowy/rainy gigs. Geez, finally!

This Thursday, we’ll be just outside of Charleston, performing at The Windjammer in Isle of Palms, SC. (Time to represent, SC Bob and Tom fans!) Friday is a travel day (we were trying to make something happen in Charlotte, NC, but it didn’t work out this time around—but we’re definitely getting back there sometime this spring/summer), and then Saturday we hitch back up to the Jonathan Coulton Zombie/Monkey Train for a show at the Variety Playhouse in Atlanta. Check our schedule for complete details. Grits and fried crustaceans-and-bottom-dwellers for everyone!


Being based in the Washington, DC area, we have many, many sources pocketed throughout all levels of the government. One of our most deeply-embedded moles has leaked the following footage to us. While alarming and disturbing, we believe it to be vitally important to the national interest, and have posted it here—likely at our own peril—for the benefit of our fans. Please forward this to everyone you know, so that we all might be better informed about this threat to our way of life, which our government is trying to hush up “for our own protection.” You can also download the full-size Quicktime and MPEG-4 versions. (Right-click or Command-click on the links to save to your computer)

Trust no one. Spread the word. Don’t fall prey to the myth. Watch the skies. Do your homework. Be the ball.

Thank You Birchmere, Hello Peoria and Documentary Song

Big thanks to everyone who was at the Birchmere show with us and Jonathan Coulton, old friends and new. Some of the highlights for us:

– Panties!!!! Some of the most inventive and sexy undergarments hurled at us to date.
– The level of participatory enthusiasm, including lusty singing-along, great pirate-y fervor, and the occasional clever quip
– Jonathan’s now nearly-famous "turn to the left" during "Nugget Man" (you had to be there)
– The exhilarating/terriftying stuffed animal torrent during the encore with JoCo
– And, of course, the incredible treatment we always get at the Birchmere from the entire staff. We’ve said it before, but from an artist’s point of view there is no better venue in the country.

COMING UP: Peoria, IL this weekend at the Jukebox Comedy Club, another P&S favorite. We’re packing lots of new material since our last visit, and are looking forward to spraying it all over the room like a cat marking its territory.

ALSO…a song of ours will be debuting as part of a new documentary about the Silver Spring B&O Railroad Station. Seriously. It’s not a comedy song, nor is it performed by us (in fact, WE haven’t even heard it yet!), but you can hear "Gracie at the Tastee" sometime during ‘‘Next Stop: Silver Spring,”  airing on WETA-TV (Washington, DC PBS station) channel 26 from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday.

Birchmere? Act Fast!

The word on the street is that there are less than 50 tickets remaining for tomorrow night’s big show at the Birchmere with Jonathan Coulton. So if you’re planning on attending and haven’t bought your tickets yet, get thee hence and go do so. You’ve been warned!

The Mars-est of Cons

A quick note to thank everyone at MarsCon for being so gentle with us for our first sci-fi convention experience; it was good for us too.  It was great to see many of the popular Dementia artists under one roof, including many folks we’d never seen live before (including Rob Balder, Worm Quartet, Sudden Death, Hot Waffles, and the Gothsicles, among many others.)

Also, great big thanks to everyone working at the Con, and especially the Great Luke Ski, who’d been telling us for years how much fun it was and how great the crowds were. Right on both counts, Mr. Ski–we salute you for your persistence!

Side note: special thanks to Sharon (not that Sharon) for turning us on to Jun Bo for dim sum–as good as we’ve had anywhere!

No One Will Be Seated During the Thrilling “Waiting in the Concourse” Sequence!

Here’s another video from last week’s San Francisco trip, as we were dispatched to pick up ukulelist and fellow sideman (sideperson?) Kristen Shirts and her husband Patrick from the airport. More of that glamorous rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle comin’ at ya!

Appearances in Several Different Media

Nugget Man, by Len PeraltaSo we’ve finally pretty much recovered from last weekend’s live concert DVD shoot with Jonathan Coulton (and we didn’t even have that much to do; imagine how Coulton feels!)—just in time to go winging off to Minnesota and our very first SF convention, MarsCon.

In the meantime, we are all over the multiples of media these days.  Okay, maybe not "all over" them, but we make a couple appearances. First off, our good friend Len has made another visual interpretation of one of our songs—this time, it’s "Nugget Man", and we think it’s his best work yet for us. Click the image over there on the right for a larger version.

Second, don’t forget about Storm’s Left Arm Comix, which he updates regularly. It’s just like us, but in line-drawing form.

Lastly, we had a lot of free time in San Francisco, so we did what we do best: eat. Here’s a video we put up on the Youtubes chronicling Paul and Storm’s Big SF Dim Sum Adventure. Four whole minutes of us stuffing our big fat melons. (In widescreen, for no apparent reason) What more could you want on a Thursday morning?

Big Show!

It’s been sold out for nearly two months, but we’d still like folks to come out and create a menacing throng outside of the Great American Music Hall in San Francisco, where we’ll be opening for/adding sound to Jonathan Coulton‘s set, which is being taped for posterity (whoever that is.)

Lots more touring coming up in the coming months. Until then, watch this space for more music and , a new one added every day or two, here.

We’re Gonna Win!

Ever one to exploit the masses, our pal Jonathan Coulton is holding a t-shirt design contest. We think our designs are teh r0xx0rz, but you be the judge…

Storm’s design

Paul’s design

New Fan Video: Pillsbury Cookie Dough

Danny Franks recently posted this awesome video version of our rejected commercial jingle, "Pillsbury Cookie Dough", and he pretty much nails it. Good on you, Danny Franks, you magnificent shirtless bastard! You are officially chock full o’ win.