Get this: we just found out that our song "A Better Version of You" is a finalist in the 2007 International Songwriting Competition in the "Comedy/Novelty" category. (Okay, actually, we’ve know for a couple weeks; they’ve only just now announced the finalists to the general public, and now we can talk about it.) Next, the group of 16 songs, which includes work by some friends and acquaintances of ours, including Sean Morey, Carla Ulbrich, and Flying Like Wilma, gets sent to the judges—Cheech Marin, David Cross, and "Weird Al" Yankovic (btw did you ever think you’d see those three names in the same sentence?)—and the winner gets announced sometime in April.
But wait; there’s more…there’s another prize being offered for the "People’s Voice" Award; you can listen to all the finalists in all categories, and vote for your favorite once per day. We know we’ll never really win this category, because we’re not a model-beautiful 22-year-old female singer-songwriter; but it would be nice if we can mobilize our Netterwebs minions (and perhaps a few partisan sympathizers from the Coulton Nation?) and at least make the ISC organizers sweat for a bit that they might actually have to give us the award. You can vote once per day, so go to town.
February 4th, 2008
As you may have noticed by this point, we’ve fiddled with the look and feel of the site a bit—a new top banner here, a new left-hand sidebar there. Hope you all like it. We’ll be slowly making other changes in the coming weeks/months. Let us know if you spot any problems, though; after all, you are our beta testers. (And volunteers, at that. You’re all so generous!)
February 1st, 2008
We’d like to thank everyone who came out to our shows in Redding, Medford and Chico. No, no–YOU guys rock.
Trip highlights:
– Paul successfully negotiating snowy mountain passes in a Kia minivan.
– Carnitas at Zocalo in Sacramento.
– Storm managing to make it through two sold-out shows on Friday night despite a voice that made him sound like Bonnie Tyler.
– Yummy steaks at Medford’s Regency Grill.
– Talking with several stalwarts from the Coulton Nation who traveled a great distance for the shows.
– The super-rowdy crowd Saturday night in Chico.
– Watching Cloverfield (two thumbs up, btw) without hurling.
Big thanks also for all of the great support we had from Redding Rock 106X, KBOY, and KFM Radio Chico, who made us feel like the rock stars that we occasionally imagine ourselves to be (which is somewhere between Mick Jagger and Dennis DeYoung), and to Dick Stein (the promoter, and all-around mensch) for making the trip possible.
January 29th, 2008
What with all the talk of cell phones, left arms, Bin Laden and such, we almost forgot that we have some shows coming up this week. Hello, Pacific Northwest…
Thursday, January 24 – Monroe’s
1885 Hilltop Dr., Redding, CA
Two shows: 7 and 8:30 p.m.
Friday, January 25 – Chadwick’s
Rogue Regency Inn, 2300 Biddle Rd., Medford, OR
Two shows: 7 and 9 p.m.
Saturday, January 26 – LaSalles
229 Broadway, Chico, CA
7:30 p.m.
You might also notice our online schedule has a new look; we’re testing out an awesome new plugin developed by our friend Dan Coulter as part of his Blogs for Bands project. (A very worthy endeavor, we might add) Hopefully it’s much more user-friendly than the previous schedule. But feel free to send us any comments about it – positive or negative – and we’ll pass them along to Dan.
January 21st, 2008
It’s come as something as a surprise to us all, but it seems that Storm has been leading a double life as Saudi royalty, a son of a terrorist, and a warrior for peace. We swear this is not just a pic of Storm dressed up for Halloween in his Rastafarian Fonzie costume.
It is in fact Omar Osama bin Laden, and you can learn lots more about his crazy adventures in this article about his mission to be an "ambassador for peace" between Muslims and the West.
One thing is for sure: if OObL ever becomes a major player on the world stage, Storm has a guaranteed slot waiting for him on Saturday Night Live.
January 19th, 2008
Yes, the saga continues. Yes, strip #3 will always be remembered as Paul’s first appearance. And no, Storm cannot draw anything the same way twice, most especially his own face.
But here it is all the same. Complete archives here.
January 16th, 2008
In what appears to be evolving into an ailment-off between Storm and myself, I’ve been hobbled by what turns out to be a lumbar strain. I’m currently feeling much better, thanks; and it should be gone in 3-5 days with rest, cold & heat treatment, incessant bitching and moaning and demands for more crackers and Gatorade. (it doesn’t help, but comforting nonetheless)
Unfortunately, I can’t draw, so no comics from me. Maybe my back can put in a guest appearance in one of Storm’s Comix, though.
Back to the crackers and whatever’s on the Tivo,
January 14th, 2008
Thanks to everyone who wrote in with advice regarding which PDA phone Paul should buy. Your opinions, while varied, were for the most part well-reasoned, informative, and helpful. And of course, he’s decided to ignore all of them.
Having decided that it just wasn’t worth the cost for constant Internet access (as alluring as the thought is), he’s gone a different direction and ended up with the LG Rumor. It’s still pretty snazzy, what with its slide-out QWERTY keyboard, and camera (which the Sprint Blackberries sorely lacked); so be sure to ask Paul how he likes his new phone next time you see him. (Unless, of course, you see him banging it against a wall and cursing; then you can probably guess his opinion) And the next time you see us update our Twitter page while on the road, you’ll know where it came from.
The overblown saga of Storm’s Left Arm continues. Features more Shmoo-like renderings along with anatomical unlikelihoods and inaccuracies. Old Comix will be archived here.
Okay, maybe not a "gift," per se; maybe it’s more of a "bonus feature," like those "making-of" featurettes they put on DVDs, finally revealing the important decision-making process that went into the hair and makeup for Daddy Day Care.
While digging through some old files, Paul found this list in a file called "song ideas" dated Jan. 10, 2003. It’s an interesting peek into our brains from five years ago. (Especially insofar as it resembles a peek into the mind of an 11-year-old boy) And for the most part, we have no clue what most of these ideas were supposed to lead to–although it’s interesting to see that "Your Town" apparently sat around for about four years before finally becoming something. And we’d love to know what song we were hoping to develop out of "faggy Mozart."
- Japanese animation
- lights
- doo wop
- boogers
- peanut butter and jelly
- morning wood heights
- your town
- tin can
- band geek
- the bones of Beethoven
- faggy Mozart
Also featuring interactive menus,
Paul and Storm.
December 25th, 2007