So Far, So Good

Thanks to everyone who came out to make the L.A. and S.F. shows so much fun. It was great to see old faces and to make new friends. Needless to say, both we and JoCo rocked pretty hard, and the system is strengthening as it gets ready to make landfall once more in Austin early next week. A few highlights thus far:

Bowling, L.A. style. Many strikes and spares were made.
 Coulton at USC
Watching Jonathan be famous at a show taping at USC.
 Scoping out the L.A. venue.

If we never see another crudite, it would not sadden us.

Hanging out with Wil-Freakin’-Wheaton after the L.A. show. Our geek cred skyrockets.

Touring Pixar Studios on Friday. Geek cred now off charts. (Thanks, Tour Guide Alden!)
The scene of much rocking. The air was filled with Moon Pies.
 Coulton at USC
We eated too much dim sum.
  Waaaaaay too much dim sum.

West Coast and Texas Time!

So here is the final, definitive itinerary for our upcoming tour of the West Coast (with a stopover in Texas) with the inimitable Jonathan Coulton. Please note that both of the tentative shows in Bakersfield, CA on 9/13 and in Eugene, OR on 9/22 are

no longer happening. (Sorry ’bout that)

Restaurant/diner/taco stand recommendations always appreciated.


Wednesday 9/12 – Paul Gleason Theater in Los Angeles, CA
8:30 PM
Tickets at Ticketmaster:

Friday 9/14 – Great American Music Hall in San Francisco, CA
9 PM

Tuesday 9/18 – Cactus Cafe in Austin, TX
8:30 PM

Wednesday 9/19 – Club Dada in Dallas, TX
8 PM
NOTE: The online ticket sales link was coded incorrectly, telling everyone that tickets for this show were not available. This has been fixed, and there are plenty available; please go buy lots of tickets now.

Thursday 9/20 – McGonigel’s Mucky Duck in Houston, TX
7:30 PM
With Paul and Storm

Friday 9/21 – McMenamin’s Mission Theater in Portland, OR
9 PM
With Paul and Storm

Sunday 9/23 – Triple Door in Seattle, WA
7:30 PM
With Paul and Storm

Thanks, Birchmere-ians

We almost forgot to officially say "thank you" to everyone who made Friday’s show at the Birchmere so…so what? Special? Crazy? Filled with flying stuffed animals? In any event, thanks.

Over 400 of you showed up (a new record for us and JoCo), and yes, some panties were thrown. Thanks for those. (With one glaring exception) But you apparently saved the majority of your "throwing stuff on stage" mojo for Coulton; the trend of people throwing small stuffed animals at him during his show reached awesome/disturbing new heights, and indirectly were the result of an impromptu Neil Diamond sing-along that was, for us, one of the highlights of the evening. (Oh, and if anyone has a bootleg of that one, we’d love a copy) Here’s a nice review of the show.

Tap Three Times

So we once again dip into the waters of song parody…we don’t usually do a lot of parodies, but this pretty much wrote itself. We couldn’t stop it; we could only hope to contain it.

We’ve penned a little ditty to try to help cheer up Idaho Senator Larry E. Craig, ’cause it seems like he could really use it. Therefore, with apologies to Tony Orlando (but not necessarily to Dawn), here’s "Tap Three Times". Listen, enjoy, share.

The song can also be found in the Odds ‘n’ Ends section of our downloads page.

Fans in Aqaba?

Thanks to our friend/SuperTrooper Lena for pointing out a curiosity on the Aqaba Ports Corporation’s netterweb page. Navigate to the FAQ and look for the following question:

Does Aqaba offer any entertainment choices or recreational for ships crews?

After reading the answer, go ahead and try to tell us they haven’t heard "The Captain’s Wife’s Lament".

Store Upgrade – Now with CafePress

Lotsa posts today, huh?

A quick note to everyone that we’ve upgraded and streamlined our store a good bit; it’s easier to get around, and looks cleaner. But most importantly, we’ve added a link to our new ‘n’ improved CafePress store. You now can order a whole bunch of different shirts (and other things) in a bunch of sizes and colors not previously available. They’re a bit more expensive than our "usual" shirts, we grant you; this is because they print everything to order, rather than keep a huge stockpile of stuff sitting in a warehouse.

So poke around, see what you like, and feel free to make suggestions–other products we should carry, other logo ideas, whatever strikes your fancy.

Slowly Puh-owning DC Media

Some nice coverage this past week in anticipation of our show at the Birchmere tomorrow:

So there’s that. See you all Friday, right?

Gumbo Pants — CD Now Available!

Gumbo PantsOur third CD, Gumbo Pants, is here.

Download it.

Buy it.

Wear it.

Farewell, Other Nugget Man

Nuggest AboundWe had been unaware until Dave Barry’s blog brought it to our attention, that Richard "Dick" Johnson passed away on Tuesday, August 28, at the age of 85. Mr. Johnson held several patents on food processing machines, including the first machine to make chicken nuggets. This marks the second great loss to the world of nuggetry in as many years.

Godspeed, nugget machine inventor; we are sure that Dr. Baker awaits you with open arms. And probably some sweet & sour sauce.

Please hold a 21-nugget salute sometime this week in the man’s honor. And maybe hum a respectful tune.

New York City?!?!

So after our last e-mail featuring upcoming gigs, quite a number of you wrote us in tones ranging from surprised to indignant to surprised indignation that we do not currently have a date scheduled for New York City.

What do we have against NYC, you collectively ask? Aren’t our yummy pizza and bagels enough to entice you, you say with a sneer? Or is our plethora of presidential candidates a huge, intimidating turn-off, you toss over your shoulder as you nonchalantly look out your window through a silvery mist at the Empire State Building, which is cleverly lit up in some color scheme or other to signify who knows what?

We’re actually quite fond of your little town; the trouble is finding a good gig. What can you do, you ask? You say you’re just one tiny person in a huge sea of American Idol runners-up concert-going, Disney musical-seeing, Yankee game-attending slobs, and that you can’t possibly change anything??

Nonsense, my friend. You are a warrior! A dynamo! A monolithic powerhouse!

With just a few clicks of a mouse, you can rearrange the hands of fate–from right here on our website! On the right sidebar you’ll see a blue box that says "WANTED" at the top…click where it says "Paul and Storm" and YOU can change the future by Demanding us at

Really. This thing actually works. When we can show venues that we have lots of Demands, they listen. And they book. It’s all about putting butts in the seats, baby (or at least demonstrating that we have many interested, potential butts.)

And it’s not just in NYC–it’s ANYWHERE (we’re looking at YOU, Atlanta…Cincinnati….Ann Arbor and Detroit…) We already use it as a tool to decide where we’re going to go, and have had some successful gigs because of it. And even if we’re already coming to Your Town, it still helps us to know where folks dig us the most (you don’t want Atlanta, Cincinnati, Ann Arbor and Detroit hogging us for themselves, do you??)