her’s talent for illustration—four of them have drawn us as LEGO figures. This is awesome in ways we can’t adequately describe, so we’ll just include them below. Click on any picture to see the larger version, or just go straight to the full Flickr set. John Paul, Max, PJ and Siena, you rock thoroughly and completely.
John Paul
UPDATE: Len’s youngest son, Christian (a.k.a. "Boo Boo"), decided to get in on the action, and has been added above. Good on you, Boo Boo!
Lickety-split and just like that, our creation has been given life. Set to the music of our own "Six Guys, Ten Teeth", check out Len’s skills of artist in action:
Special thanks to Javier for noticing that our monster was out of the oven and cooling.
/8x10drawing.jpg”>First off was the Baltimore show on Thursday. A smallish but enthusiastic crowd showed up at the 8×10 Club, three members of whom spent most of the show scribbling furiously in the dark. Before we knew who they were, Coulton picked on them for doing homework—which, in a way, they were, as it turns out they were art students, compelled to draw no matter where they were. (Must make scuba diving interesting) One of the students, Ariyana, sent us this completed version of one of her works that evening (see right; click for larger version). It’s portraiteriffic!
In addition, a photographer friend of our booking agent was there, and he took some pretty frickin’ great pictures. Several of them are arrayed below (click for larger versions). As soon as he has his full set of photos from the show put together (cropped, edited, and, since we’re in them, airbrushed to within an inch of their lives), we’ll post a link to them. In the meantime, his many other awesome concert photos can be found here. Thanks, Sam!
Not to be outdone, our show the following night in New York City saw Baltimore’s photos and illustrations, and raised it one two-camera DV shoot, courtesy of Scott Lightfoot. A couple clips are currently available on the YouTubes (Randy Newman theme songs, and a full-on, ukulelefied "Creepy Doll" with Coulton), and more should be available here as he gets them edited and uploaded. Super-awesome. What’s next, kinescopes? Daguerreotypes? Daguerreoscopes?
While our final show of the weekend—an April Fools’ Day afternoon show in Utica, NY—yielded no audio or video record, we did have an excellent time; plus, they earned bonus points for carefully reading our backstage rider and coming up with the root beer, black cherry soda and Toblerone chocolate in the green room that we always request (but so seldom get).
Back on the "Friends of Bob & Tom" circuit this coming weekend, in Charlotte, NC and Davenport, IA; then a week recording more songs for our next CD, Gumbo Pants (isn’t that thing finished yet?); and then more "Friends of" in Columbus and Canton. Busy, busy busy…
There once was a time when we were young and hip and smart, bewildering our elders with our "video games" and our "Usenet newsgroups" and our "electronnic mails." Now we seem to have become the bewildered; every 8 minutes or so, the young people come up with some incredible new technology, adopt it, refine it, make it ridiculously popular, and just as quickly discard it for the next new thing, and all the while we just stand there scratching our heads and yelling at them to get off our lawn.
In that spirit, our fan C4bl3Fl4m3 (either that’s some sort of code, or her cat jumped on the keyboard) has set up a group for us on Last.fm: here it is.
Actually, Last.fm is a pretty cool idea: you install some (open source, spyware-free) software on your computer, it tracks the music you play on your media player and/or iPod, and then "scrabbles" it (we’re pretty sure that’s not a real word) to your Last.fm profile, and recommends other music you might enjoy, which you can then totally listen to. The more you use it, the better it gets, and the more people use it, the greater the selection. R0x0r. RLY.
At some point real soon, we’ll get the rest of our music uploaded there, too. (unless one of our tech-savvy fans/meddling kids out there would care to do it for us? Anyone?)